
Showing posts from June, 2018
Complex Communication of the Killer Whale Have you ever heard someone say "Humans are the only animals that use language"? Such a notion couldn't be further from the truth. While there are a variety of animals that use frequencies, clicks, shrieks, hums, and much more to communicate, one of most interesting communicative beings is the Killer Whale, formally known as the Orca Whale.   Like humans, Killer whales communicate on a highly intelligent level. After all, for an animal at the top of the food chain, communication better be effective and efficient. Lucky for the Orca whale, this is exactly the case. Orcas will communicate for a number of reasons including hunting, mating, warning, navigating using echolocation, and even to show affection and social interaction, just like you and your friends! For those of you that are skeptical, keep this in mind... Just because we can't recognize something in the same way we are used to, doesn't mean it doesn...